The debut post - Hello and welcome!

Monday 17 February 2020

First things first, welcome to my blog! This post is primarily to test that I can get links working within the website, but I figured I would also use this as a chance to introduce myself, and update where I'm at with regards to my PhD and placement.

A little bit about me; I've been in cardiac research for a number of years, still passionate about novel developments in the microscopy field. Aside from work my biggest passion is in music, my calendar doesn't feel complete without a few gigs. I'm a huge Liverpool football club supporter, play hockey at Leeds hockey club, and like a good half-marathon too.

Image: Attempting a hockey jab, playing for Leeds Hockey Club

I'm currently over halfway through my 12-month innovation placement with biotech company Badrilla, with my PhD thesis due in 2021. I took the placement on to diversify my research skillset, getting into protein chemistry and structural biology, as well as to learn about commercialising research and industry. I've really enjoyed the exciting R&D projects related to imaging probes, but it's been just as rewarding getting into the non-research side of goings on at Badrilla. For instance, learning more about eCommerce and marketing strategies has been a refreshing change of pace to typical labwork.

Once I finish up with Badrilla in July 2020 it'll be back to the home straight of the PhD, with funding until Spring 2021.